
FIA is a diagnostic test used for the detection of specific antigens in cats. In the context of felines, there are various FIA tests that can be conducted to detect antigens associated with different pathogens or diseases. For example, FIA tests can be used to detect the presence of antigens related to diseases like feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in cats. FIA tests offer a quick and accurate method for diagnosing certain diseases in cats by detecting specific antigens associated with those diseases. They help veterinarians identify infections and initiate appropriate treatment plans promptly.

Types of Feline FIA Test Kits

[2043]Feline serum amyloid A (fSAA)
Feline serum amyloid A (fSAA) FIA, or Feline serum amyloid A Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a laboratory diagnostic test used in veterinary medicine to measure the levels of feline serum amyloid A (SAA) in a cat's blood. The FIA method offers a sensitive and precise measurement of fSAA levels, allowing for early detection and proactive management of inflammatory conditions in cats.
[2002]Feline pancreatic-specific lipase (fPL)
Feline pancreatic-specific lipase (fPL) FIA, or Feline pancreatic-specific lipase Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a laboratory diagnostic test used in veterinary medicine to measure the levels of pancreatic-specific lipase in a cat's blood. By measuring fPL levels using this FIA method, veterinarians can assess the activity of the pancreas and aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of pancreatic diseases, particularly pancreatitis, in cats.
[2012]Feline N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (fNT-proBNP)
Feline N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (fNT-proBNP) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to measure the level of feline N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (fNT-proBNP) in the blood of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics to evaluate cardiac function in cats.
[2042]Feline Troponin I (Feline cTnI)
Feline N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (fNT-proBNP) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to measure the level of feline N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (fNT-proBNP) in the blood of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics to evaluate cardiac function in cats.
[2014]Feline symmetric dimethylarginine (fSDMA)
Feline symmetric dimethylarginine (fSDMA) FIA is a laboratory test used to measure the levels of symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) in feline blood samples. Measuring SDMA levels in feline blood is a useful tool in assessing kidney function.
[2015]Feline Total Thyroxine (fTT4)
Feline total thyroxine (fTT4) FIA is a laboratory test used to measure the levels of total thyroxine hormone (T4) in feline blood samples. Measuring fTT4 levels is an important tool in diagnosing and monitoring thyroid disorders in cats, such as hyperthyroidism.
[2007]Feline leukemia antigen (FeLV Ag) Test Kit
Feline leukemia antigen (FeLV Ag) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) antigens in the serum or plasma of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics as a screening tool for FeLV infection.
[2039]Feline Cortisol (fCOR)
Feline total thyroxine (fTT4) FIA is a laboratory test used to measure the levels of total thyroxine hormone (T4) in feline blood samples. Measuring fTT4 levels is an important tool in diagnosing and monitoring thyroid disorders in cats, such as hyperthyroidism.
[2003]Feline panleukopenia antigen (FPV Ag)
Feline panleukopenia antigen (FPV Ag) FIA, or Feline panleukopenia antigen Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a laboratory diagnostic test used in veterinary medicine to detect the presence of Feline Panleukopenia virus (FPV) in cats. By performing the FPV Ag FIA test, veterinarians can quickly and accurately diagnose feline panleukopenia in cats. It helps identify infected animals even in the early stages of infection or in cases with low viral load.
[2004]Feline herpesvirus antigen (FHV Ag)
Feline herpesvirus antigen (FHV Ag) FIA, or Feline herpesvirus antigen Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a laboratory diagnostic test used in veterinary medicine to detect the presence of Feline Herpesvirus (FHV) antigens in cats. It helps identify infected cats and differentiate feline herpesvirus from other respiratory pathogens.
[2005]Feline calicivirus antigen (FCV Ag)
Feline calicivirus antigen (FCV Ag) FIA, or Feline calicivirus antigen Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a laboratory diagnostic test used in veterinary medicine to detect the presence of Feline Calicivirus (FCV) antigens in cats. It helps identify infected cats and differentiate feline calicivirus from other respiratory pathogens.
[2006]Feline coronavirus antigen (FCoV Ag)
Feline coronavirus antigen (FCoV Ag) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) antigens in the serum or plasma of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics as a diagnostic tool for FCoV infection.
[2016]Feline Antibody III (FPV/FHV/FCV Ab)
FIA in Feline Antibody -III is a laboratory test used to measure FPV/FHV/FCV IgG.
[2045]Feline panleukopenia Ab (FPV Ab) *
Feline panleukopenia antibody (FPV IgG) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of antibodies specific to Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV) in the blood of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics to assess whether a cat has been exposed to FPV and has developed an immune response in the form of IgG antibodies.
[2009]Feline herpesvirus Ab (FHV Ab) *
Feline herpesvirus antibody (FHV IgG) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of antibodies specific to Feline Herpesvirus (FHV) in the blood of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics to determine whether a cat has been exposed to FHV and has developed an immune response in the form of IgG antibodies.
[2010]Feline calicivirus Ab (FCV Ab) *
Feline calicivirus antibody (FCV IgG) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of antibodies specific to Feline Calicivirus (FCV) in the blood of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics to assess whether a cat has been exposed to FCV and has developed an immune response in the form of IgG antibodies.
[2011]Feline immunodeficiency virus Ab (FIV Ab) *
Feline immunodeficiency virus antibody (FIV IgG) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of antibodies specific to Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) in the blood of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics to determine if a cat has been exposed to FIV and has developed an immune response in the form of IgG antibodies.
[2013]Feline cystatin C (fCys C) *
Feline cystatin C (fCys C) FIA, also known as Fluorescent Immunoassay, is a diagnostic test used to measure the levels of feline cystatin C in the blood of cats. This test is commonly used in veterinary clinics to assess kidney function in cats.
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Why Are Feline FIA Test Kits Important?

Feline FIA (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Assay) is important for several reasons. Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a viral infection that affects domestic cats, leading to immune suppression and increased susceptibility to other infections. With Feline FIA, veterinarians can quickly and accurately diagnose FIV in cats, allowing for early intervention and management of the disease. This test is especially critical for multi-cat households and shelters, as it helps prevent the spread of the virus and ensures appropriate care for FIV-positive cats. Regular Feline FIA screening is key to maintaining the well-being and health of feline populations.

Why Are Feline FIA Test Kits Important?

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